
Donne e tumore al seno
Opuscolo redatto per Onda, Osservatorio Nazionale per la Salute della Donna.
Pubblicazioni Scientifiche
F. Cardoso, E. Senkus, A. Costa et al.
Annals of Oncology 29: 1634-1657, 2018
4th ESO-ESMO International Consensus Guidelines for Advanced Breast Cancer
Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology 110 (2017) 94–105
ECCO Essential Requirements for Quality Cancer Care: Soft Tissue Sarcoma in Adults and Bone Sarcoma. A critical review
Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology 110 (2017) 81–93
ECCO Essential Requirements for Quality Cancer Care: Colorectal Cancer. A critical review
A. Albini, A. Decensi, F. Cavalli and A. Costa
Clinical Cancer Research, 24 May 2016
R. Valdagni, H. Van Poppel, M.Aitchinson, others and A. Costa
Prostate Cancer Unit Initiative in Europe: a position paper by the European School of Oncology
Critical Reviews in Oncology and Haematology, vol 95, issue 2, August 2015
Ann H Partridge, Olivia Pagani, Omalkhair Abulkhair, Stefan Aebi, Frederic Amant, Hatem Azim jr, Alberto Costa et al.
First International consensus guidelines for breast cancer in young women (BCY1)
The Breast 23 (2014) 209-220
F. Cardoso, A. Costa, L. Norton, et al.
ESO-ESMO 2nd internationl consensus guidelines for advanced breast cancer (ABC2)
Annals of Oncology 25: 1871-1888, 2014
Breast-Conservative Surgery With and Without Radiotherapy
in Patients Aged 55–75 Years With Early-Stage Breast Cancer: A Prospective, Randomized, Multicenter Trial Analysis After 108 Months of Median Follow-up
Annals of Oncology Advance Access published October 2, 2013
1st International consensus guidelines for advanced breast cancer (ABC 1)
The Breast, Vol. 21, No. 3, Giugno 2012
The requirements of a specialist Prostate Cancer Unit: A discussion paper from the European School of Oncology
EJC, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp 1-7, 2011. (I.F. 4.121)
Valdagni R., Albers P., Bangma C., Drudge-Coates L., Magnani T., Moynihan C., Parker C., Redmond K., Sternberg C.N., Denis L., Costa A.
Strategies for subtypes—dealing with the diversity of breast cancer: highlights of the St Gallen International Expert Consensus on the Primary Therapy of Early Breast Cancer 2011
Annals of Oncology Advance Access published June 27, 2011
A. Goldhirsch, W. C. Wood, A. S. Coates, R. D. Gelber, B. Thurlimann, H.-J. Senn & Panel members
The Masterclass of the European School of Oncology: The “key educational event” of the school
EJC 2010, in press (I.F. 4.121)
Pavlidis N., Gatzemeier W., Popescu R., Stahel R., Pinedo H., Cavalli F., Costa A.
Continuing medical education in Europe: Towards a harmonised system
EJC, Vol. 46, pp. 2340-2343, 2010. (I.F. 4.121)
Costa A., Van Hemelryck F., Aparicio A., Gatzemeier W., Leer J.W., Maillet B., Hossfeld D.K.
Euro-Arab School of Oncology: an Educational Collaborative Activity of the European School of Oncology with the Arab World
J. Canc. Educ. Published online: 20 april 2010. (I.F. 0,520)
Pavlidis N., Gadallah M., Cavalli F., Costa A.
International Guidelines for Management of Metastatic Breast Cancer: Combination vs Sequential Single-Agent Chemotherapy
JNCI, Vol. 101, issue 17, pp.1174-1181, 2009
Cardoso F., Bedard P.L., Winer E.P., Pagani O., Senkus-Konefka E., Fallowfiled L.J., Kyriakides S., Costa A., Cufer T., Albain K.S. on behalf of the ESO-MBC Task force
Thresholds for therapies: highlights of the St Gallen International Expert Consensus on the Primary therapy of Early Breast Cancer 2009
Annals of Oncology, Advanced Access published June 17, 2009
A. Goldhirsch, J.N. Ingle, R.D. Gelber, A. s. Coates, B. Thurlimann, H.J. Senn & Panel members
Dynamic optical breast imaging: a novel technique to detect and characterize tumor vessels
Eur. J. Radiol. 2008 (in press)
Fournier L.S., Vanel D., Athanasiou A. Gatzemeier G., Masuykov I.V., Padhani A.R., Dromain C., Galetti K., Sigal R., Costa A., Balleyguier C.
Breast cancer surgery – a forecast
Breast Care, Vol. 3, pp. 399-400, 2008.
Costa A.
Precancerous lesions of the breast
Nature Clin. Practice Oncol. 2007 (I.F. 5.364)
Costa A., Zanini V.
Tamoxifen for the prevention of breast cancer: late results of the Italian randomized Tamoxifen prevention trial among women with hysterectomy
J. Natl. Cancer Inst., Vol. 99, pp. 727-737, 2007. (I.F. 14.24)
Veronesi U., Maisonneuve P., Rotmensz N., Bonanni B., Boyle P., Viale G., Costa A., Sacchini V., Travaglini R., D’Aiuto G., Oliviero P., Lovison F., Gucciardo G., Rosselli del Turco M., Muraca M.G., Pizzichetta M.A., Conforti S., Decensi A.
Progress and promise: highlights of the international expert consensus on the primary therapy of early breast cancer 2007
Annals of Oncology, Vol. 18, pp. 1133-1144, 2007. (I.F. 4.319)
Goldhirsch A., Wood W.C., Gelber R.D., Coates A.S., Thurliman B., Senn H-J., and Panel Members (Costa A.)
Elements related to heterogeneity of antibody-dependent cell cytotoxicity in patients under trastuzumab therapy for primary operable breast cancer overexpressing Her
Cancer Res., Vol. 67, No. 24, December 2007 (I.F. 7.616)
Varchetta S., Gibelli N., Oliviero B., Nardini E., Gennari R., Gatti G., Silva L.S., Tagliabue E., Menard S., Costa A., and Fagnoni F.
Metastatic breast cancer: steps to improve patient care
Nature Clin. Practice Oncol., Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 61, 2007 (I.F. 5.364)
Costa A.
Fenretinide and risk reduction of second breast cancer
Nature Clin. Practice Oncol., Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 64-65, 2007 (I.F. 5.364)
Decensi A., Zanardi S., Argusti A., Bonanni B., Costa A., Veronesi U.
Metastatic breast cancer. Recommendations proposal from the European School of Oncology MBC Task Force
The Breast, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 9-10, 2007 (I.F. 1.705)
Cardoso F., Winer E.P., Fallowfield L., Namer M., Pagani O., Rodenhuis S., Senkus-Konefka E., Wardley A., Costa A.
Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) and breast cancer risk: a nested-case control study and a pooled meta-analysis
Breast Cancer Res. Treat., 2007 (I.F. 4.643)
Macis D., Maisonneuve P., Johansson H., Bonanni B., Botteri E., Iodice S., Santillo B., Penco S., Gucciardo G., D’Aiuto G., Rosselli del Turco M., Amadori M., Costa A., Decensi A.
The European School of Oncology: ESO’s contribution to continuing medical education in Europe
Oncologie, Vol. 9, pp. 41-43, 2007 (I.F. 0.573).
Costa A., Gatzemeier W.
1977 – 2006
257. Komorowski A.L., Zanini V., Regolo L., Carolei A., Wysocki W.M., Costa A. Necrotic complications after nipple- and areola-sparing mastectomy. Worl J. Surg., Vol. 30, pp. 1-4, 2006.
256. Costa A. Precancerous lesions of the breast. Annals of Oncology, Vol. 17, Suppl. 10, pp. x271-x273, 2006. (I.F. 3.605).
255. Veronesi U., Mariani L., Decensi A., Formelli F., Camerini T., Miceli R., Di Mauro M.G., Costa A., Marubini E., Sporn M.B., De Palo G. Fifteen-year results of a randomized phase III trial of fenretinide to prevent second breast cancer. Annals of Oncology, Vol. 17, No. 7, pp. 1065-1071, July 2006 (I.F. 3.605).
254. Costa A., Gatti G., Ballardini B., Orlando L. Tumori della mammella. In: Cavalli F., Cognetti F., Costa A., Orecchia R. (Eds.). Fondamenti di oncologia clinica. Elsevier, 2006.
253. Costa A., Ballardini B. Oncologia chirurgica. In: Cavalli F, Cognetti F., Costa A., Orecchia R. (Eds.). Fondamenti di oncologia clinica. Elsevier, 2006.
252. Costa A., Serrano D., Ballardini B., Decensi A. Prevention of breast cancer: an update. In: Bonadonna G., Hortobagyi G.N., Valagussa P. (Eds.). Textbook of Breast Cancer. A clinical guide to therapy. Third Edition. Taylor & Francis, 2006.
251. Early Breast Cancer Trialists’ Collaborative Group (EBCTCG). Effects of radiotherapy and of differences in the extent of surgery for early breast cancer on local recurrence and 15-year survival: an overview of the randomised trials. Lancet 2005; Vol. 366, pp. 2087-2106 (I:F: 16.135).
250. Boulos S., Gadallah M., Neguib S., Essam Ea., Youssef A., Costa A., Mittra I., Miller A.B. Breast screening in the emerging world: high prevalence of breast cancer in Cairo. The Breast, Vol. 14, pp.340-346, 2005. (I.F. 0.538).
249. Goldhirsch A., Glick J.K, Gelber R.D., Coates A.S., Thurlimann B., Senn H.J. & Panel Members. Meeting Highlights: international expert consensus on the primary therapy of early breast cancer 2005. Annals of Oncology, Vol. 16, N. 10, pp. 1569-1583, Sept. 2005. (I.F. 3.605).
248. Early Breast Cancer Trialists’ Collaborative Group (EBCTCG). Effects of chemotherapy and hormonal therapy for early breast cancer on recurrence and 1-year survival: an overview of the randomised trials. The Lancet, Vol. 365, May 2005 (I.F. 16.135).
247. Pavlidis N., Vermorken J.B., Costa A. Oncology for medical students: a new ESO educational avenue. Annals of Oncology, Vol. 16, N. 5, pp. 840-841, May 2005 (I.F. 3.605).
246. Palmieri B., Baitchev G., Grappolini S., Costa A., Benuzzi G. Delayed nipple-sparing modified subcutaneous mastectomy: rationale and technique. The Breast, Vol. 11, N.3, pp. 173-178, 2005 (I.F.0.538).
245. Decensi A., Maisonneuve P., Rotmensz N., Bettega D., Costa A., Sacchini V., Salvioni A., Travaglini R., Oliviero P., D’Aiuto G., Gulisano M., Gucciardo G., Rosselli del Turco M., Pizzichetta M.A., Conforti S., Bonanni B., Boyle P., Veronesi U., for the Italian Tamoxifen Study Group. Effect of Tamoxifen on venous thromboembolic events in a breast cancer prevention trial. Vasc Med, Circulation, Vol. 111, pp. 650-656, 2005 (I.F. 1.247).
244. Ahmezdai S.H., Costa A., Blengini C., Bosch A., Sanz-Ortiz J., Ventafridda V., Verhagen S.C., on behalf of the international working group convened by the European School of Oncology. A new international framework for palliative care. Eur J Cancer, Vol. 40, pp. 2192-2200, 2004. (I.F. 3.694).
243. Gennari R., Perego E., Ballardini B., dos Santos G., Costa A. Surgical technique of Mammosite RTS implant for accelerated radiation delivery in breast conserving surgery. J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res, Vol. 23, N° 3, pp. 411-415, 2004. (I.F. 0.574).
242. Costa A., Zurrida S., Gatti G., Gatzemeier W., Orecchia R., Monti S., Regolo L., Luini A. Less aggressive surgery and radiotherapy is the way forward. Curr Opin Oncol, Vol. 16, 523-528, 2004. (I.F. 4.544).
241. Gennari R., Rotmensz N., Ballaridni B., Scevola S., Perego E., Zanini V., Costa A. A prospective, randomized, controlled clinical trial of tissue adesive (2-octylcyanoacrylate) versus standard wound closure in breast surgery. Surgery, Vol. 136, N. 3, pp. 593-599, 2004. (I.F. 2.611).
240. Gennari R., Menard S., Fagnoni F., Ponchio L., Scelsi M., Tagliabue E., Castiglioni F., Villani L., Magalotti C., Gibelli N., Oliviero B., Ballardini B., Da Prada G., Zimbelli A., Costa A. Pilot study of the mechanism of action of preoperative Trastuzumab in patients with primari operable breast tumours overexpressing HER 2. Clin Canc Res, Vol. 10, pp. 5650-5655, 2004. (I.F. 5.076).
239. Jassem J., Buchanan M., Janicke F., Baum M., Cataliotti L., Kyriakides S., Piccart M., Rutgers E.J.T., Costa A. The Hamburg statement: the partnership driving the European agenda on breast cancer. Eur J Cancer; Vol. 40, pp. 1810-1811, 2004 (I.F. 3.46)
238. Serrano D., Perego E., Costa A., Decensi A. Progress in chemoprevention of breast cancer. Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology, Vol. 49, pp. 109-117, 2004. (I.F. 1.797).
237. Gennari R. Scelsi M., Greco M., Costa A. Complete nodal staging in male breast cancer: (biopsy of axillary and internal mammary sentinel node. J. Exp. Clin Cancer Res.; Vol. 23, No 1, pp. 163-165, 2004. (I.F. 0.754)
236. Gatzemeier W., Costa A. European School of Oncology (ESO): more than 20 years of cancer education. CME J Gynaec Oncol, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 300-307, 2003.
235bis. Costa A., Gennari R., Andreoli C., Betka J., Castelli A., Hugosson J., Lovet J.M., Melia J., Nakhosteen J.A., Quaranta M., Rosselli del Turco M., Schittulli F., Sideri M., Stephan C., Zurrida S., Palmieri B., Soffritti M. and Veronesi U. Early detection of cancer. A new branch of oncology? Eur. J. Oncol., Vol. 8, N.3, pp. 165-175, 2003.
235. Costa A., Rock L., Daccò K. About Terry Fox. I Supplementi di Tumori: Vol. 3, No. 3, pp.28-30, 2003.
234. Goldhirsch A., Wood W.C., Gelber R.D., Coates A.S., Thurlimann B., Senn H.J.; Costa A. Meeting Hghlights: Updated International Expert Consensus on the Primary Therapy of Early Breast Cancer. J. Clin. Oncol, Vol. 21, 1-9, No. 17, Sept. 1, 2003 (I.F. 8.53).
233. Costa A. European School of Oncology: 20 ans d’éducation sur le cancer – Editorial Oncologie, 5:303, 2003 (I.F. 0.573).
232. Decensi A., Veronesi U., Miceli R., Johansson H., Mariani L., Camerini T., Di Mauro MG., Cavadini E., De Palo G., Costa A., Perloff M., Malone WF and Formelli F. Relationships between plasma insulin-like growth factor-I and insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 and second breast cancer risk in a prevention trial of fenretinide. Clin Canc Res, Vol. 9, 4722-4729, December 14, 2003 (I.F. 5.076).
231. Veronesi U., Goldhirsch A., Costa A., Zurrida S. New technologies for diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer: meeting highlights from the Fourth Milan Breast Cancer Conference (Milan, June 5-7, 2002). The Breast, Vol. 12, pp.223-235, 2003 (I.F. 0.538).
230. Veronesi U., Maisonneuve P., Rotmensz N., Costa A., Sacchini V., Travaglini R., D’Aiuto G., Lovison F., Gucciardo G., Muraca M.G., Pizzichetta M.A., Conforti S., Decensi A., Robertson C., Boyle P. and the Italian Tamoxifen Study Group. Italian randomized trial among women with hysterectomy: tamoxifen and hormone-dependent breast cancer in high-risk women. J. Nat. Canc. Instit., Vol. 95, No. 2, January 15, 2003 (I.F. 14.24)
229. Formelli F., Camerini T., Cavadini E., Appierto V., Villani M.G., Costa A., De Palo G., Di Mauro M.G. and Veronesi U. Fenretinide breast cancer prevention trial: drug and retinol plasma levels in relation to age and disease outcome. Canc Epid Biomark and Prev, Vol. 12, 34-41, January 2003. (I.F. 3.966).
228. Veronesi U., Goldhirsch A., Costa A. and Zurrida S. New technologies for diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer: meeting highlights from the Third Milan Breast Cancer Conference (Milan, June 13-15, 2001). The Breast, Vol. 11, Nr. 2, pp. 185, 2002 (I.F. 0.538)
227. Gennari R., Ballardini B. and Costa A. How I do it – biopsy of axillary and internal mammary sentinel node for complete nodal staging in male breast cancer. EJSO, Vol. 28, pp 557-559, 2002. (I.F. 1.316)
226. Costa A., Gatzemeier W. European School of Oncology (ESO) 20 ans d’éducation sur le cancer et une contribution aux directives européennes en oncologie. Méd. & Hygiène, 2002, No. 2392: 1014-1016.
225. Veronesi U., Maisonneuve P., Sacchini V., Rotmensz N., Boyle P. and the Italian Tamoxifen Study Group. Tamoxifen for breast cancer among hysterectomised women. The Lancet, 2002, Vol. 359: 1122-1124 (I.F. 16.135).
224. Costa A. L’approccio integrato al paziente: il punto di vista dell’oncologo. VIII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Psichiatria di Consultazione. Psichiatria di Consultazione. Vol. IV suppl., n. 3/2001.
223. Costa A., Ballardini B., Decensi A. Chemioprevenzione. Cap. 13, pp. 185-204, In: Terapia Medica Oncologica. Terza Edizione. EdiSES 2001.
222. Costa A., Gatzemeier W. European School of Oncology (ESO) – 20 Years of Cancer Education and a contribution to European Guidelines of Oncology. In: Update on Surgical Oncology in Europe. Sugical Oncology Clinics of North America Vol. 10, No. 4, October 2001.
221. Costa A., Tinterri C., Regolo L., Gatzemeier W., Andreoli A. Randomised clinical trials comparing conservative surgery with or without radiotherapy in breast cancer patients aged between 55 and 75 years. Radiotherapy, P 42, S25-S26, 2001.
220. Costa A. A colloquio con Alberto Costa: il Progetto Nazionale Eudcazione Continua Medica (ECM). Attualità in Senologia, No. 30, 2001.
219. Zgajnar J., Gatzemeier W., Costa A. Will the sentinel lymph node (SLN) stand a second time – SLN biopsy in breast cancer patients with isolated local recurrence following breast conserving therapy and previous SLN procedure. Ann Oncol, Letter to the Editor, Vol. 12, pp 723-725, 2001. (I.F. 2.548).
218. Cauley J.A., Norton L., Lippman M.E., Eckert S., Krueger K.A., Purdie D.W., Farrerons J., Karasik A., Mellstrom D., Wah Ng K., Stepan J.J., Powles T.J., Morrow M., Costa A., Silfen L.S., Walls E.L., Schmitt H., Muchmore D.B., Jordan V.C. Continued breast cancer risk reduction in postmenopausal women treated with raloxifene: 4-year results from the MORE trial. Breast Cancer Res Tr, Vol. 65, pp. 125-134, 2001. (I.F. 2.430).
217. Costa A. Interview. News, Eur. J. Cancer, Vol. 37, pp. 817-821, 2001. (I.F. 2.407).
216. Camerini T., Mariani L., De Palo G., Marubini E., Di Mauro M.G., Decensi A., Costa A., Veronesi U. Safety of the Synthetic Retinoid Fenretinide: Long-Term Results From a Controlled Clinical Trial for the Prevention of Contralateral Breast Cancer. Journ. Clin. Oncol., Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 1664-1670, 2001. (I.F. 7.878).
215. Veronesi U., Goldhirsch A., Costa A., Zurrida S. New technologies for diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer: meeting highlights from the Second Milan Breast Cancer Conference (Milan, 14-16 June 2000). The Breast, Vol. 10, pp. 243-256, 2001 (I.F. 0.555)
214. Zurrida S., Costa A., Luini A., Galimberti V., Sacchini V., Intra M. The Veronesi Quadrantectomy: An Established Procedure for the Conservative Treatment of Early Breast Cancer. J Surg Investigation, Vol. 2, No. 6, pp. 423-431, 2001.
213. Costa A. Will our Planet be able to cope with the Cancer Burden in the Next Decade?. Semin. Oncol., Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 140-142, April, 2001 (I.F. 2.325).
212. Decensi A., Bonanni B., Rotmensz N., Robertson C., Guerrieri-Gonzaga A., Mora S., Diani S., Cazzaniga M., Costa A. on behalf of the Italian Investigators. Update on tamoxifen to prevent breast cancer. The Italian Tamoxifen Prevention Study. SERMs in the prevention of breast cancer. Eur. J. Cancer, Vol. 36, S49-S56, 2000. (I.F. 2.407).
211. Costa A. Breast cancer and the axilla: Not entirely out of the labyrinth. Ann Oncol, Vol. 11, pp. 1079-1080, 2000. (I.F. 2.548).
210. Decensi A., Costa A. Recent advances in cancer chemoprevention, with emphasis on breast and colorectal cancer. Eur.J.Cancer, Vol. 36, pp 694-709, 2000. (I.F. 2.407).
209. Decensi A., Bonanni B., Guerrieri-Gonzaga A., Torrisi R., Manetti L., Robertson C., De Palo G., Formelli F., Costa A. and Veronesi U. Chemoprevention of breast cancer: the Italian experience. J. Cell. Biochem. Suppl. 34:84-96, 2000. (I.F. 2.686).
208. Giavazzi R., Albini A., Bussolino F., De Braud F., Presta M., Ziche M. and Costa A. Meeting Report: The biological basis for antiangiogenic therapy. Eur. J. Cancer, Vol. 36, pp. 1913-1918, 2000 (I.F. 2.047).
207. Veronesi U., Costa A., Zurrida S. and Goldhirsch A. Breast cancer at the end of a successful century – Meeting highlights from the First Milan Breast Cancer Conference and discussion paper for the Second Conference (Milan, 14-16 June, 2000). The Breast, Vol. 9, pp.161-170, 2000. (I.F. 0.555).
206. Cummings S., Grady D., Black D., Eckert S., Kruger K.A., Nickélsen T., Glusman J.E., Powles T.J., Cauley J.A., Norton L., Bjarnason N.H., Morrow M., Jordan V.J., Lippman M.E., Costa. A. Estrogen-receptor status in breast cancer. JAMA, Letters, Vol. 283, No. 3, 2000. (I.F. 9.258).
205. Jordan C.V., Costa A. Chemoprevention. In: Jay R. Harris (Ed.), Diseases of the Breast, 2nd ed., Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2000.
204. Costa A. Clinica e territorio, Istituto Europeo di Oncoloiga. In: N. Braggio, A. Costa, G. Isola, S. Mancuso, G. Scambia (Eds.). La medicina verso il terzo millennio, dalla molecolarizzazione dellla ricerca alla umanizzazione della cura. Poletto Editore, 1999.
203. Costa A. Mammella, Tumori: Chirurgia. Enciclopedia Medica Italiana, Aggiornamento II, Tomo II, pp. 3548-3554, USES Edizioni, Firenze, 1999.
202. Brédart A., Didier F., Robertson C., Scaffidi E., Fonzo D., Costa A., Goldhirsch A., Autier P. Psychological distress in cancer patients attending the European Institute of Oncology in Milan. Oncology, Vol. 57, pp. 297-302, 1999.
201. Camerini T., De Palo G., Mariani L., Marubini E., Costa A., Veronesi U. Accrual issues for chemoprevention trials. The example of the 4-HPR study for the prevention of contralateral breast cancer. TUMORI, Vol. 85, N. 4, 1999. (I.F. 0.408).
200. Veronesi U., von Kleist S., Redmond K., Costa A., Delvaux N., Freilich G., Glaus A., Hudson T., Mc Vie J.G., Macnamara C., Meunier F., Pecorelli S., Serin D and the CAWAC Study Group. Caring About Women and Cancer (CAWAC): a European survey of the perspectives and experiences of women with female cancers. Eur. J. Cancer, Vol. 35, No. 12, pp.1667-1675, 1999. (I.F. 2.047)
199. Veronesi U., De Palo G., Marubini E., Costa A., Formelli F., Mariani L., Decensi A., Camerini T., Rosselli Del Turco M., Di Mauro M.G., Muraca M.G., Del Vecchio M., Pinto C., D’Aiuto G., Boni C., Campa T., Magni A., Miceli R., Perloff M., Malone W.F. and Sporn M.B. Randomized trial of fenretinide to prevent second breast malignancy in women with early breast cancer. JNCI, Vol. 91, No. 21, Nov. 3, 1999 (I.F. 11.403).
198. Decensi A., Gandini S., Guerrieri-Gonzaga A., Johansson H., Manetti L., Bonanni B., Sandri M.T., Barreca A., Costa A., Robertson C., Lien E.A. Effect of blood tamoxifen concentrations on surrogate biomarkers in a trial of dose reduction in women at risk for breast cancer. J. Clin. Oncol., Vol. 17, No. 9 (Sept.), pp. 2633-2638, 1999 (I.F. 7.878).
197. Costa A., Redmond K. Chemoprevention of Cancer. Oncology Nurses Today, Vol. 4., No. 2, 1999.
196. Casali P., Licitra L., Tondini C., De Braud F., Bruzzi P., Costa A., Cavalli F. START: A European state-of-the-art on-line instrument for clinical oncologists. Ann. Oncol. 10: 769-773, 1999 (I.F. 2.548)
195. Costa A., Sacchni V., Bonanni B., Decensi A. Chemioprevenzione del carcinoma mammario. In: U. Veronesi, A. Luini, A. Costa, C. Andreoli (Eds.). Senologia Oncologica. Masson Editore, Milano, 1999:45-53.
194. Decensi A., Robertson C., Ballardini B., Paggi D., Guerrieri-Gonzaga A., Bonanni B., Manetti L., Johansson H., Barreca A., Bettega D., Costa A. Effect of tamoxifen on lipoprotein (a) and Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) in healthy women. Eur J.Cancer, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp.596-600, 1999. (I.F. 2.407).
193. Decensi A., Torrisi R., Gozza A., Severi G., Bertelli G., Fontana V., Pensa F., Carozzo L., Traverso A., Milone S., Dini D., Costa A. Effect of fenretinide on bone mineral density and metabolism in women with early breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res. Tr. 53: 145-151, 1999. (I.F. 2.430).
192. Senn H.J., Costa A., Jordan V.C (Eds.). Chemoprevenion of Cancer, Recent results in cancer chemoprevention, Vol. 151, Springer, 1999.
191. Cataliotti L., Costa A., Daly P.A., Fallowfield L., Freilich G., Holmberg L., Piccart M., van de Velde C.J.H. and Veronesi U. Florence Statement on breast cancer, 1998 forging the way ahead for more research on and better care in breast cancer. Eur.J.Cancer, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp 14-15, 1999. (I.F. 2.407).
190. Veronesi U., Maisonneuve P., Costa A., Rotmensz N., Boyle P. Drop-outs in tamoxifen prevention trials. Lancet, Correspondence, Vol. 353, January 16, pp. 244, 1999. (I.F. 17.948).
189.Cummings S.R., Eckert S., Krueger K.A., Grady D., Powles T.J., Cauley J.A., Norton L., Nickelsen T., Bjarnason N.H., Morrow M., Lippman M.E., Black D., Glusman J.E., Costa A., Jordan V.C. The Effect of Raloxifene on risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women. JAMA, Vol. 281, pp. 2187-2197, June 16, 1999. (I.F. 9.258)
188. Franchi D., Colombo N.N., Bocciolone L., Maggioni A., Costa A., Sacchini V. Tamoxifen and the Uterus: Potential uterine risks of anti-oestrogens. The approach of the European Institute of Oncology. Eur. J. Cancer, Vol. 34, Suppl. 4, pp. 35-36, 1998. (I.F. 2.017).
187. Decensi A., Bonanni B., Guerrieri-Gonzaga A., Gandini S., Robertson C., Hohansson G., Travaglini R., Sandri M.T., Tessadrelli A., Farante G., Salinaro F., Bettega D., Barreca A., Boyle P., Costa A.., Veronesi U. Biologic Activity of Tamoxifen at Low Doses in Healthy Women. JNCI, Vol. 90, No. 19, October 7, pp. 1461-1467, 1998 (I.F. 11.403).
186. Costa A., Bonanni B., Manetti L. Guerrieri Gonzaga A., Torrisi R., Decensi A. Prevention of Breast Cancer – Focus on Chemoprevention. In: H.J. Senn, R.D. Gelber, A. Goldhirsch, B. Thurlimann (eds.) Adjuvant therapy of primary breast cancer VI. Recent result in cancer research. Springer Verlag, Vol. 152, pp. 11-21, 1998.
185. Decensi A., Robertson C., Rotmensz N., Severi G., Maisonneuve P., Sacchini V., Boyle P., Costa A. and Veronesi U. on behalf of the Italian Chemoprevention Study. Effect of tamoxifen and transdermal hormone replacement therapy on cardiovascular risk factors in a prevention trial. Eur. J. Cancer, Vol. 78, No. 5, pp. 572-578, 1998. (I.F. 2.017)
184. Veronesi U., Maisonneuve P., Costa A., Sacchini V., Maltoni C., Robertson C., Rotmensz N. and Boyle P. on behalf of the Italian Tamoxifen Prevention Study. Prevention of breast cancer with tamoxifen: preliminary findings from the Italian randomised trial among hysterectomised women. The Lancet, Vol. 352, July 11, 1998 (I.F. 17.948).
183. Costa A. Buona medicina e buona amministrazione: un’utopia? – In: N. Braggio, G. Capelli, A. Costa, G. Isola, S. Mancuso, G. Scambia, G.C. Vanini (eds.). Disease Management, Gaggiano (MI), Poletto Ed., 1998.
182. Costa A., Zurrida S. The future of breast cancer surgery.Oncology in Practice, No. 3, pp.8-10, 1998.
181. Decensi A., Torrisi R., Fontana V., Barreca A., Ponzani P., Pensa F., Parodi S., Costa A. Correlation between plasma transforming growth factor-β1 and second primary breast cancer in a chemoprevention trial. Eur. J. Cancer, Vol. 34, No. 7, pp. 999-1003, 1998 (I.F. 2.017).
180. Favoni R.E., De Cupis A., Bruno S., Yee D., Ferrera A., Pirani P., Costa A., Decensi A. Modulation of the insulin-like growth factor-I system by N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-retinamide in human breast cancer cell lines. Br. J. Cancer, 77 (12), 2138-2147, 1998. (I.F. 3.666).
179. Cattaneo M., Baglietto L., Zighetti M.L., Bettega D., Robertson C., Costa A., Mannucci P.M., Decensi A. Tamoxifen reduces plasma homocysteine levels in healthy women. Br. J. Cancer, 77 (12), 2264-2266, 1998 (I.F. 3.666).
178. Torrisi R., Parodi S., Fontana V., Pensa F., Casella C., Barreca A., De Palo G., Costa A., Decensi A. Effect of fenretinide on plasma IGF-I and IGFBP-3 in early breast cancer patients. Int. J. Cancer:76, 787-790, 1998 (I.F. 3.534).
177. Formelli F., De Palo G., Costa A., Veronesi U. Human Transplacental Passage of the Retinoid Fenretinide (4HPR). Eur. J. Cancer (Letters), Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 428-429, 1998. (I.F. 2.017).
176. Costa A., Lowe S. Book Review. Cancer resources on the Internet. M.S. Wood, E.P. Delozier (eds.). The Hawort Press, New York/London, 1997, pp. 110 – In: Ann. Oncol. 9:228, 1998. (I.F. 2.736).
175. De Palo G., Camerini T., Marubini E., Costa A., Formelli F., Del Vecchio M., Mariani L., Miceli R., Mascotti G., Magni A., Campa T., Di Mauro M.G., Attili A., Maltoni C., Rosselli Del Turco M., Decensi A., D’Aiuto G., Veronesi U. Chemoprevention trial of contralateral breast cancer with fenretinide. Rationale, design, methodology, organization, data management, statistics and accrual. Tumori, 83:884-894, 1997. (I.F. 0.446).
174. Costa A., Decensi A., Bonanni B., Farante G., Travaglini R. Peut-on prévenir le cancer du sein? In: J.Y Petit, U. Veronesi, F. Nahai, Rietjens M. (eds.) Chirurgie du cancer du sein – Diagnostique, curative et reconstructive; pp1175-179, Arnette, 1997.
173. Veronesi U., Paganelli G., Galimberti V., Viale G., Zurrida S., Bedoni M., Costa A., De Cicco C., Geraghty J.G., Luini A., Sacchini V., Veronesi P. Sentinel-node biopsy to avoid axillary dissection in breast cancer with clinically negative lymph-nodes. The Lancet, Vol. 349, No. 9069, June 28, pp. 1864-1867, 1997 (I.F. 17.948)
172. Costa A., Hubbard S.M. Evidence Based Medicine – A New Challenge. Eur. J. Cancer, Vol. 33, No. 7, pp. 987-988, 1997 (I.F. 2.017).
171. Decensi A., Fontana V., Fioretto M., Rondanina G., Torrisi R., Orengo M.A., Costa A. Long-term Effects of Fenretinide on Retinal Function. Eur. J. Cancer, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 80-84, 1997 (I.F. 2.017)
170. Costa A., Sacchini V., Bonanni B., Boyle P., Veronesi U. and the Italian Tamoxifen Units. Ongoing Trials on the Chemoprevention of Breast Cancer with Tamoxifen. In: C. Maltoni, M. Soffritti, W. Davis (eds.). The Scientific Basis of Cancer Chemoprevention; pp. 227-233, Amsterdam, Elsevier Science, 1996.
169. De Palo G., Camerini T., Marubini E., Formelli F., Miceli R., Mariani L., Costa A., Veronesi U., Maltoni C., Rosselli Del Turco M., Decensi A., Boccardo F., D’Aiuto G. Ongoing Clinical Chemoprevention Study of Breast Cancer with Fenretinide. In: C. Maltoni, M. Soffritti, W. Davis (eds.). The Scientific Basis of Cancer Chemoprevention; pp. 249-2254, Amsterdam, Elsevier Science, 1996.
168. Sacchini A., Costa A., Bonanni B., Boyle P. Chemoprevention of Breast Cancer. In: Muller Hj., Scott R.J., Weber W (eds.). Hereditary Cancer, Second International Research Conference on Familial Cancer, Basel, 1995, Karger, 1996, pp. 200-205.
167. Decensi A., Costa A. Polyprenoic Acid in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. N. Engl. J. Med. (Letter to the Editor); 335: pp. 1460-1461, 1996 (I.F. 24.834).
166. Costa A., Decensi A.: Retinoids and Breast Cancer. Retinoids Today and Tomorrow, Issue 42, pp. 30-31, February 1996.
165. Costa A. The Italian Breast Cancer Chemoprevention Studies: Breast Cancer Chemoprevention with Retinoids. European Cancer News, Volume 9, Number 4, April 1996.
164. Armand J.P., Costa A., Geraghty J., O’Higgins N., Broe P.J., Holmberg L., Sleijfer D.Th., de Toeuf J. Continuing Medical Education in Oncology in Europe – Meeting Highlight – Eur. J. Cancer, Vol. 32A, No. 8, pp 1296-1299, 1996. (I.F. 2.017).
163. Veronesi U., De Palo G., Costa A., Formelli F., Decensi A. Chemoprevention of breast cancer with fenretinide. In: M. Hakama, V. Beral, E. Buiatti, J. Faivre and D.M. Parkin (eds.); Chemoprevention in Cancer Control, IARC Scientific Publications No. 136, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, 1996.
162. Decensi A., Fontana V., Bruno S., Gustavino C., Gatteschi B., Costa A. Effect of Tamoxifen on Endometrial Proliferation. J.Clin.Oncol., Vol. 14, No.2 (February), pp. 434-440, 1996. (I.F. 7.881).
161. Costa A., Decensi A., Bonanni B., Farante G., Travaglini R., Sacchini V. Can We Prevent Breast Cancer? (Si può prevenire il carcinoma della mammella?). Rivista “L’Ospedale Maggiore”, Vol. 90, N. 1: 16-21, 1996.
160. Costa A., Saracco A., Pavlidis N., Plesnicar S. The Fight Against Cancer in Countries with Limited Resources – The Djerba Statement, August 9, 1995. Ann. Oncol. 6:965-966, 1995. (I.F. 2.736).
159. Costa A.: I Tumori. Estratto dal Volume V. Appendice V. Enciclopedia Italiana; pp. 592-594, 1995.
158. Veronesi U., Luini A., Costa A. Microcalcificazioni Carcinoma Intraduttale. Caso 22 In: Bonmassar E., Costa A.: Casi Clnici in Oncologia. Ed. Masson, 1995.
157. Veronesi U., Luini A., Costa A. Carcinoma Mammario di Piccole Dimensioni. Caso 21 In: Bonmassar E., Costa A.: Casi Clinici in Oncologia. Ed. Masson, 1995.
156. De Palo G., Veronesi U., Marubini E., Camerini T., Chiesa F., Nava M., Formelli F., Del Vecchio M., Costa A., Boracchi P., Mariani L. Controlled Clinical Trials with Fenretinide in Breast Cancer, Basal Cell Carcinoma and Oral Leukoplakia. J. Cell. Biochem. Suppl. 22:11-17, 1995 (I.F. 7.452).
155. Costa A. Prospects for Tumour Chemoprevention. Vol. 1, Chapter 2.6, pp. 174-182. In: M. Peckham, H. M. Pinedo and U. Veronesi (ed.), Oxford Textbook of Oncology, Oxford Medical Publications, 1995.
154. Costa A., De Palo G., Decensi A., Formelli F., Chiesa F., Nava M., Camerini T., Marubini E., Veronesi U. Retinoids in Cancer Chemoprevention – Clinical Trials with the Synthetic Analogue Fenretinide. In: H.L. Bradlow, M.P. Osborne, U. Veronesi (eds.), Cancer Prevention from the Laboratory to the Clinic: Implications of Genetic, Molecular, and Preventive Research. Ann. NY Acad. Sci. Vol. 768, pp. 148-162, 1995. (I.F. 1.030).
153. Costa A., Bonanni B., Farante G., Travaglini R. Is Breast Cancer Preventable. In: Petit J.Y., Nahai F., Veronesi U., Rietjens M. (ed.), Breast Cancer – Surgical Diagnosis, Treatment and Reconstruction. (IN PRESS).
152. Torrisi R., Pensa F., Fontana V., Costa A., Decensi A. The Metabolite N-4-Methxyphenylretinamide is a Major Determinant of Fenretinide Induced Decline of Plasma Insulin-Like Growth Factor.1. Eur. J. Cancer, Vol. 31A, No. 3, pp. 420-421, 1995 (I.F. 2.017).
151. Veronesi U., Costa A., Sacchini V., Luini A., Bonanni B., Veronesi P., Rotmensz N., Boyle P. Etude italienne de chimioprévention du cancer du sein avec le tamoxifène. Contracept. Fertil. S. – 1995, Vol. 23., N. 4, pp.258-260 (I.F. 0.296).
150. Mariani L., Formelli F., De Palo G., Manzari A., Campa T., Di Mauro M.G., Crippa A., Delle Grottaglie M., Del Vecchio M., Marubini E., Costa A., Veronesi U. Chemoprevention of Breast Cancer with Fenretinide (4-HPR): Study of Long Term Visual and Ophthalmologic Tolerability; Tumori, Vol. 82, No. 5, pp.444-449, 1996 (I.F. 0.446).
149. Filiberti A., Ventafridda V., Costa A. What is the Best Treatment Choice for Early Breast Cancer: a Psychosocial Answer. Ann. Oncol., Vol. 6, No. 5, May 1995 (I.F. 2.736).
148. Costa A., Formelli F., Torrisi R., Decensi A. Trial of Vitamin A Analogues for Protection, Chapter 11, pp.103-108. In: Basil A. Stoll (ed.), Reducing Breast Cancer Risk in Women, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995.
147. Tradati N., Chiesa F., Marazza M., Rossi N., Boracchi P., Mariani L., Formelli F., Caruso G., Sardella A., Chiodo D., Giardini R., Costa A., De Palo G., Veronesi U. Fenretinide (4-HPR) in Chemoprevention of Oral Leukoplakia. Otorinolaryngol. 43, 1994, 4, pp. 215-218.
146. De Palo G., Veronesi U., Camerini T., Formelli F., Mascotti G., Boni C., Fosser V., Del Vecchio M., Campa T., Costa A., Marubini E. Can Fenretinide Protect Women Against Ovarian Cancer?. J. Natl. Cancer I., Vol. 87, No. 2, January 18, 1995 (I.F. 10.328).
145. Delia D., Aiello A., Formelli F., Fontanella E., Costa A., Miyashita T., Reed J.C., Pierotti M.A. Regulation of Apoptosis Induced by the Retinoid N-(4-Hydroxypheny) Retinamide and Effect of Deregulated bcl-2. Blood, Vol. 85, No. 2 (January 15), 1995:pp 359-367 (I.F. 9.745)
144. Veronesi U., Costa A., Luini A.: I Tumori della Mammella. Estratto da: Il Cancro – Ricerca e Applicazioni Cliniche. Le Scienze, Milano, 1994.
143. Costa A., Sacchini V., Bonanni B., D’Aiuto G.:Chemoprevention of Breast Cancer. In: Postgraduate course: Chemoprevention in Oncology. Santa Margherita Ligure, Genova, Italy, 11-13 November 1993. European Journal of Cancer Prevention 1994, 3, 361-385.
142. Torrisi T., Parodi S., Fontana V., Rondanina G., Formelli F., Costa A., Boccardo F., Decensi A.: Factors Affecting Plasma Retinol Decline during Long-Term Administration of the Synthetic Retinoid Fenretinide in Breast Cancer Patients. Cancer Epidem. Biomar. Prev., Vol. 3, 507-510, September 1994. (I.F. 3.000)
141. Armand J.P., Alberto P., Costa A., Estape J., Jones R.V.H. Jones, Overgaard J., Sherman Jr C.D.: European School of Oncology Advisory Report to the Commission of the European Communities for the “Europe Against Cancer Programme” – Continuing Medical Education in Oncology Within the European Union. Eur. J. Cancer, Vol. 30A, No. 8, pp. 1145-1148, 1994. (I.F. 2.017).
140. Decensi A., Formelli F., Torrisi R., De Palo G., Costa A.: Fenretinide in Breast Cancer Chemoprevention (Review). Oncology Reports 1: 817-824, 1994. (I.F. 0.476)
139. Costa A., Filiberti A. Breast Conservative Surgery: Towards More Personalized Treatments. Eur. J. Cancer, Vol. 30A, No. 7, pp. 900-902, 1994. (I.F. 2.017).
138. Mariotti A., Marcora E., Bunone G., Costa A., Veronesi U., Pierotti M.A., Della Valle G.: N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)retinamide: a Potent Inducer of Apoptosis in Human Neuroblastoma Cells. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 86, No. 16, August 17, 1994, pp. 1245-1247.
137. Decensi A., Formelli F., Torrisi R., Costa A. Breast Cancer Chemoprevention: Studies with 4-HPR alone and in combination with Tamoxifen using circulating growth factors as potential surrogate end points. J. Cell. Biochem. 17 G., 226-233, 1993. (I.F. 3.471).
136. Costa A., Formelli F., Chiesa F., Decensi A., De Palo G., Veronesi U.: Prospects of chemoprevention of human cancers with the synthetic retinoid fenretinide. Cancer Res. (Suppl.) 1994, 54:2032s-2037s. (I.F. 8.958)
135. Costa A., Sacchini V., Farante G.: La chemioprevenzione del carcinoma mammario. In: U. Veronesi (ed.). Manuale di Senologia Oncologica. Milano: Masson Editore 1994, cap. 23. pp.465-473.
134. De Palo G., Costa A., Formelli F., Del Vecchio M., Marubini E., Veronesi U.: Chemoprevention of breast cancer. In vivo 1993, 7:577-580.
133. Tradati N., Chiesa F., Rossi N., Grigolato R., Formelli F., Costa A., De Palo G.: Successful topical treatment of oral lichen planus and leukoplakias with fenretinide (4-HPR). Cancer Lett., 1994, 76:109-111 (I.F. 1.551).
132. Costa A.: Colon cancer prevention: an overview of current research, L’Ospedale Maggiore 1993, 87:295-299
131. Decensi A., Torrisi R., Polizzi A., Gesi R., Brezzo V., Rolando M., Rondanina G., Orengo M.A., Formelli F., Costa A.: Effect of the synthetic retinoid fenretinide on dark adaptation and the ocular surface. J.Natl.Cancer I., 1994, 86: 105-110 (I.F. 10.328).
130. De Palo G., Chiesa F., Nava M., Del Vecchio M., Formelli F., Costa A., Marubini E., Veronesi U.: Chemoprevention of cancer. In: Proceedings VII Mediterranean Congress of Chemotherapy, Athens 24-29 May 1992. J. Chemotherapy, Suppl. 1, 1993, 5:640-642 (I.F. 0.244).
129. Cassano E., Coopmans de Yoldi G.F., Ferranti C., Costa A., Mascotti G., De Palo G., Veronesi U.: Mammographic patterns in breast cancer chemoprevention with fenretinide (4-HPR). Eur. J. Cancer 1993, 29A: 2161-2163 (I.F. 2.017).
128. Catania S., Veronesi P., Marassi A., Pluchinotta A., Bono A., Zurrida S., Andreoli C., Costa A.: Risk of pneumothorax after fine needle aspiration of the breast: Italian experience of more than 200,000 aspirations. The Breast 1993, 2:246-247
127. Formelli F., Clerici M., Campa T., Di Mauro M.G., Magni A., Mascotti G., Moglia D., De Palo G., Costa A., Veronesi U.: Five-year administration of Fenretinide: pharmacokinetics and effects on plasma retinol concentrations. J.Clin.Oncol. 1993, 11:2036-2042 (I.F. 7.881).
126. Torrisi R., Pensa F., Orengo M.A., Catsafados E., Ponzani P., Boccardo F., Costa A., Decensi A.: The synthetic retinoid fenretinide lowers plasma insulin-like growth factor I levels in breast cancer patients. Cancer Res. 1993, 53:4769-4771 (I.F. 8.958).
125. Chiesa F., Tradati N., Marazza M., Rossi N., Boracchi P., Mariani L., Formelli F., Giardini R., Costa A., De Palo G., Veronesi U.: Fenretinide (4-HPR) in chemoprevention of oral leukoplakia. J.Cell.Biochem. 1993, 17F:255-261 (I.F. 3.471).
124. Costa A.: Retinoids and breast cancer. In: W.K. Hong, R. Lotan (eds). Retinoids in Oncology. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc. 1993, 299-322.
123. Veronesi U., Sacchini V., Costa A.: Conservative treatment of breast cancer: principles, premises and clinical trials. An.Ist.C.Forlanini 1992, 12:303-310.
122. Costa A.: Chemoprevention of cancer: experimental and clinical aspects. In: De la Recerche Oncologique a l’Innovation Therapeutique. P. Tambourin, M. Boiron (eds). Colloque INSERM. Montrouge: John Libbey Eurotext Ltd. 1993, 230:61-68.
121. Costa A., Sacchini V., Decensi A.: Retinoids and tamoxifen in breast cancer chemoprevention. Editorial. Int.J.Clin.Lab.Res. 1993, 23:53-55 (I.F. 1.039).
120. Decensi A., Bruno S., Giaretti W., Torrisi R., Curotto A., Gatteschi B., Geldo E., Polizzi A., Costantini M., Bruzzi P., Nicolo’ G., Costa A., Boccardo F., Giuliani L., Santi L.: Activity of 4-HPR in superficial bladder cancer using DNA flow cytometry as an intermediate endpoint. J.Cell.Biochem. 1992, Suppl. 161:139-147 (I.F. 3.471).
119. Costa A.: Education and training in oncology. Eur.J.Cancer 1993, 29A:783 (I.F. 2.017).
118. Costa A., De Palo G., Formelli F., Veronesi U.: Breast cancer chemoprevention with retinoids. In: M.A. Livrea, L. Packer (eds) Retinoid: Progress in Research and Clinical Applications. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York 1993, pp. 453-464
117. Costa A.: Breast cancer chemoprevention. Eur.J.Cancer 1993, 29A:589-592 (I.F. 2.017).
116. Chiesa F., Tradati N., Marazza M., Rossi N., Boracchi P., Mariani L., Clerici M., Formelli F., Barzan L., Carrassi A., Pastorini A., Camerini T., Giardini R., Minn F.L., Costa A., De Palo G., Veronesi U.: Prevention of local relapses and new localizations of oral leukoplakias with the synthetic retinoid fenretinide (4-HPR).Preliminary results. Oral Oncology, Eur.J.Cancer 1992, 28B:97-102 (I.F. 2.017).
115. Costa A.: Rationale for initiating a clinical trial of breast cancer chemoprevention. Cancer Detect.Prev. 1992, 16: S187-S190 (I.F. 1.075).
114. Bombardieri E., Pizzichetta M., Veronesi P., Seregni E., Bogni A., Maffioli L., Saccani Jotti G., Bassetto M.A., Zurrida S., Costa A.: CA 15.3 determination in patients with breast cancer: clinical utility for the detection of distant metastases. Eur.J.Cancer 1992, 29A: 144-147 (I.F. 2.017).
113. Costa A., Rotmensz N., Campa T., Magni A., Assimakopoulos G.: Safety and tolerability of retinoids.In: G. De Palo, M. Sporn, U. Veronesi (eds) Progress and Perspectives in Chemoprevention of Cancer. Serono Symposia Pablication from Raven Press, Volume 79. Raven Press, New York 1992, pp. 69-76.
112. Costa A.: Biological approaches to breast cancer prevention. The Breast 1992, 1:119-123.
111. Pizzichetta M., Bogni A., Seregni E., Maffioli L., De Jager E., Costa A., Bombardieri E.: CA 15.3 as a signal of undetectable breast cancer metastases in a follow-up period of 4 years (Letter to the Editor). Int.J.Biol.Markers 1992, 7:59-60.
110. Veronesi U., Costa A.: Breast cancer chemoprevention. In: I. Craig Henderson (ed). Adjuvant Therapy of Breast Cancer. Kluwer Academic Publishers 1992, 357-367.
109. Costa A., Veronesi U., De Palo G., Chiesa F., Formelli F., Marubini E., Del Vecchio M., Nava M.: Chemoprevention of cancer with the synthetic retinoid fenretinide. Clinical trials in progress at the Milan Cancer Institute. In: L. Wattemberg, M. Lipkin, C.W. Boone, G.J. Kelloff (eds). Cancer Chemoprevention. CRC Press Inc., Boca Raton-Ann Arbor-London-Tokyo 1992, 95-112.
108. Assimakopoulos G., Sacchini V., Costa A.: Book Review. International Directory of Cancer Institutes and Organizations. UICC Geneva 1990. Fifth Ed. Ann. Oncol. 1992, 3:116 (I.F. 2.736).
107. Costa A., Assimakopoulos G.: Book Review. Approaches to breast cancer prevention. Developments in oncology. BA Stoll (ed) Kluwer Academic Plublishers, Dordrecth-Boston-London 1991. Ann. Oncol. 1991, 2:718 (I.F. 2.736).
106. Veronesi U., Costa A., Ciatto S., Bonadonna G.: Mammella. Estratto III volume Enciclopedia Medica Italiana. USES Edizioni, Firenze 1991, pp. 4799-4846.
105. Veronesi U., De Palo G., Costa A., Formelli F., Marubini E., Del Vecchio M.: Chemoprevention of breast cancer with retinoids. J.Natl.Cancer I, Monographs 1992, 12:93-97 (I.F. 10.328).
104. Pizzichetta M., Rossi R., Costa A., Guindani A., De Palo G.: Lipoproteins in fenretinide (4-HPR) treated patients. Diabetes Nutr.Metab. 1992, 5:71-72 (I.F. 0.704).
103. Costa A.: Chemoprevention of cancer: experimental and clinical aspects. Forum 1991, 1:359-365.
102. Farante G., Costa A., Zilli G.: La asistencia oncologica en Europa y Estados Unidos de Norteamerica. Tumor 1991, 4:97-103
101. Costa A.: L’assistenza oncologica in Europa e negli Stati Uniti. Un’analisi dell’ultima edizione dell’UICC Directory. Argomenti di Oncologia 1991, 12: 331-337.
100. Costa A., Craig Jordan V.: Meeting report: long-term antihormonal therapy for breast cancer. Eur.J.Cancer 1991, 27:1479-1481 (I.F. 2.017).
99. Rotmensz N., De Palo G., Formelli F., Costa A., et al: Long-term tolerability of Fenretinide (4-HPR) in breast cancer patients. Eur.J.Cancer 1991, 27: 1127-1131 (I.F. 2.017).
98. Formelli F., Clerici M., De Palo G., Costa A., Veronesi U.: Chronic oral administration of fenretinide, as a chemopreventive agent to breast cancer patients, does not affect plasma alpha- tocopherol concentration. Annal Oncol. 1991, 2: 446-447. (I.F. 2.736).
97. Veronesi U., De Palo G., Costa A., Formelli F., Marubini E., Del Vecchio M.: Prevention of contralateral breast cancer with Fenretinide. In: U. Pastorino, W.K. Hong (Eds.). Chemoimmunoprevention of Cancer. 1st International Conference, Vienna, Austria. Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart 1991, pp. 232- 244.
96. Costa A., Mascotti G., Fabrizio T., Koronel R.: Chemioprevenzione dei tumori: studi clinici controllati in corso. Argomenti di Oncologia 1991; 12:7-15
95. Ciatto S., Andreoli C., Cirillo A., Bonardi R., Bianchi S., Santoro G., Farante G., Magni A., Campa T., Costa A., Berrino F.: The risk of breast cancer subsequent to histologic diagnosis of benign intraductal papilloma. Follow-up study of 339 cases. Tumori 1991, 77:41-43 (I.F. 0.446).
94. Metha R.G., Moon R.C., Hawthorne M., Formelli F., Costa A.: Distribution of fenretinide in the mammary gland of breast cancer patients. Eur.J.Cancer 1991, 27:138-141. (I.F. 2.017).
93. Pizzichetta M., Formelli F., Bombardieri E., Brugni G.F., Costa A.: Lack of correlation between plasmatic levels of retinol and RBP and thyroid hormones in breast cancer patients treated with the synthetic retinoid fenretinide. Int.J.Biol.Markers 1990, 5:208.
92. Costa A., Muraca M.G., Lenzi M.: Quimioprevencion de tumores. Estudios clinicos controlados en curso. In: U. Veronesi, R. Chacon, G. Farante (Eds.). Serie Avances en Oncologia. Vol.1. 1990, pp. 69-78.
91. Costa A., Sacchini V., Veronesi P.: Cancer chemoprevention: a review of ongoing clinical studies. Cancer Therapy Update, August 1990, vol. X.
90. Costa A., Magni A., Campa T., Di Mauro M.G., Mascotti G., Moglia D.: Chemioprevenzione dei tumori: studi clinici controllati in corso. In: Recenti Progressi nelle Conoscenze e nel Controllo dei Tumori. E. Triggiani, G. Sammarco, G. Liguori, D. Carretti, C. Maltoni (Eds). XVI Congresso Nazionale di Oncologia. Vibo Valentia 30 settembre-3 ottobre 1990. Monduzzi Editore, Bologna.
89. Costa A., Santoro G., Assimakopoulos G.: Cancer chemoprevention. A review of ongoing clinical studies. Acta Oncol. 1990, 29:657-663 (I.F. 0.895).
88. Costa A., Love R.R.: Breast Cancer Prevention with Tamoxifen. The Madison Meetings. Eur.J.Cancer 1990, 26: 656-657 (I.F. 2.017).
87. Costa A.: Breast cancer chemoprevention. Trends In Oncology. Cellular Differentiation and Proliferation, Clinical-Therapeutic Implications. Proceedings, Ancona October 7-9, 1990. pp. 126-140.
86. Costa A.: Organization of cancer control in Italy. Arch. Geschwulstforsch. 1990, 60: 83-85
85. Rotmensz N., Costa A., McGrath S.: L’Ecole Europè enne d’Oncologie. La Revue d’Education Mè dicale 1989, 5: 43-46.
84. Formelli F., Carsana R., Costa A., Buranelli F., Campa T., Dossena G., Magni A., Pizzichetta M.: Plasma retinol level reduction by the synthetic retinoid fenretinide: a one year follow-up study of breast cancer patients. Cancer Res. 1989, 49: 6149-6152 (I.F. 8.958).
83. Veronesi U., Costa A., Veronesi P.: Cancer of the breast. In: U. Veronesi, B. Arnesjo, I. Burn, L. Denis, F. Mazzeo (Eds.). Surgical Oncology. A European Handbook. Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1989, pp. 827-878.
82. Andreoli C., Costa A.: Diagnostico clinico y estadificacion del cancer de mama. In: C. Andreoli, A. Costa, C. Di Maggio, G. Farante (Eds.) Neoplasias Mamarias Metodos de Diagnostico 1989, pp. 9-23.
81. Veronesi U., Lovo G.F., Costa A., Saccozzi R., Veronesi P.: I tumori della mammella. In: Trattato di Chirurgia Oncologica. Vol. 2. U. Veronesi (Ed.). UTET Editore, Torino 1989: 449-486.
80. Costa A., Campa T., Pizzichetta M., Di Mauro M.G., Rotmens N., Pinto C., Muraca M.G., Rusca M., Rusconi A., Saccani F.: Chemioprevenzione del carcinoma mammario controlaterale con retinoide sintetico. Estratto da Acta Oncologica 1989, 10:239- 240.
79. Costa A., Formelli F., Campa T., Magni A., Pizzichetta M.: La chemioprevenzione dei tumori della mammella: aspetti clinici. In: I Tumori della Mammella. C. Maltoni, D. Marrano, S. Rubini, D.F. Rivelli, V. Patella (Eds.) Monduzzi Editore, Bologna 1989: 361- 368.
78. Costa A., Malone W., Perloff M., Buranelli F., Campa T., Dossena G., Magni A., Pizzichetta M., Andreoli C., Del Vecchio M., Formelli F., Barbieri A.: Tolerability of the synthetic retinoid Fenretinide (HPR). Eur.J.Cancer Clin.Oncol. 1989, 25:805-808.
77. Costa A., McGrath S.: Experience of the European School of Oncology. Cancer Therapy Update 1989, Vol. IX, n. 1.
76. Veronesi U., Farante G., Costa A.: La oncologia como una estructura unitaria. Revista Latinoamericana de Oncologia Clinica 1988, Vol. XX: 5-16.
75. Secreto G., Costa A., Recchione C., Pizzichetta M., Ballerini P.: The synthetic retinoid Fenretinide does not affect circulating hormone concentrations. Breast Cancer Res.Treat. 1988, 12: 315-316 (I.F. 3.121).
74. Veronesi U., Costa A.: Chemoprevention of contralateral breast cancer with synthetic retinoid Fenretinide. Cancer Investigation 1988, 6: 55-57 (I.F. 1.655).
73. Gerber M., Cavallo F., Marubini E., Richardson S., Barbieri A., Capitelli E., Costa A., et al.: Liposoluble vitamins and lipid parameters in breast cancer. A joint study in Northern Italy and Southern France. Int.J.Cancer 1988, 42: 489-494 (I.F. 3.534).
72. Ciatto S., Pacini P., Azzini V., Neri A., Jannini A., Gosso P., Molino A., Andreoli C., Costa A., et al.: Preoperative staging of primary breast cancer. A multicentric study. Cancer 1988, 61: 1038-1040 (I.F. 3.296).
71. Andreoli C., Farante G., Costa A., et al.: Estudio de extension preoperatorio en el cancer de mama. Screening para metastasis ocultas. Oncologia 1988, XI: 256-260.
70. Filiberti A., Tamburini M., Andreoli C., Buranelli F., Campa T., Costa A., et al.: Psychologic aspects of patients participating in a phase I study with synthetic retinoid 4- hydroxyphenil retinamide. Tumori 1988, 74: 353-356 (I.F. 0.446)
69. Veronesi U., Andreoni B., Costa A.: Neoplasie della mammella. In: Manuale di Oncologia Chirurgica. Seconda Edizione, V. Staudacher, B. Andreoni, A. Costa (Eds). Masson Editore, Milano 1988: 317-335.
68. Andreoni B., Costa A.: Sistema TNM di staging clinico e chirurgico. In: Manuale di Oncologia Chirurgica. Seconda Edizione. V. Staudacher, B. Andreoni, A. Costa (Eds). Masson Editore, Milano 1988: 17-19.
67. Veronesi U., Costa A.: La chirurgia Oncologica: principi generali e recenti tendenze. In: Manuale di Oncologia Chirurgica. Seconda Edizione. V. Staudacher, B. Andreoni, A. Costa (Eds). Masson Editore, Milano 1988: 7-15.
66. Staudacher V., Andreoni B., Costa A.: Introduzione. In: Manuale di Oncologia Chirurgica. Seconda Edizione. V. Staudacher, B. Andreoni, A. Costa (Eds). Masson Editore, Milano 1988: 1-4.
65. Staudacher V., Andreoni B., Costa A. (Eds): Manuale di Oncologia Chirurgica. Seconda Edizione. Masson Editore, Milano 1988.
64. Veronesi U., Lovo G.F., Costa A., Saccozzi R., Veronesi P.: I tumori della mammella. In: Trattato di Chirurgia Oncologica. UTET 1988.
63. Marubini E., Decarli A., Costa A., et al.: The relationship of dietary intake and serum levels of retinol and beta-carotene with breast cancer. Results of a case-control study. Cancer 1988, 61: 173-180 (I.F. 3.296).
62. Costa A., Bosch Andrada J.P., Farante G.E., Buranelli F., Pizzichetta M., Andreoli C.: Tumor de Wilms. Importancia de la actitud quirurgica oncologica. Rev.Sud.Onco. 1988, 9: 9-14.
61. Andreoli C., Costa A., Di Maggio C.: Diagnostica del carcinoma mammario. Caleidoscopio, anno 6, n.32. Medical Aystem S.p.A. 1987.
60. Pastorino U., Pisani P., Berrino F., Andreoli C., Barbieri A., Costa A., et al.: Vitamin A and female lung cancer: a case- control study on plasma and diet. Nutr.Cancer 1987, 10: 171-179 (I.F. 1.685).
59. Costa A.: Chemoprevention of breast cancer. Editorial: Cancer Therapy Update 1987, 7: 1-2.
58. Ciatto S., Pacini P., Azzini V., Neri A., Jannini A., Gosso P., Molino A., Capelli M.C., Di Costanzo F., Pucciatti A.M., Andreoli C., Santoro G., Farante G., Ciurli M., Costa A., et al.: Stadiazione preoperatoria del cancro della mammella. Studio multicentrico su 3627 casi. XI Congresso Nazionale SICO. Monduzzi Editore, Bologna 1987: 449-451.
57. Andreoli A., Buranelli F., Campa T., Costa A., et al.: Chest x-ray survey in breast cancer. Follow-up – a contrary view. Tumori 1987, 73: 463-465 (I.F. 0.446).
56. Sacchini V., Farante G., Luini A., Andreoli C., Costa A.: El tratamiento conservador en el cancer de mamas. Estudios retrospectivos y perspectivos. Obstetricia y Ginecologia Latino- Americana 1987, 45:370-384.
55. Veronesi U., Costa A.: Breast cancer: a challenging disease. Oncology Update 1987, 4: 1-10.
54. Luini A., Costa A.: Le Forze Operative Nazionali. Argomenti di Oncologia 1987, 8: 83-87.
53. Formelli F., Carsana R., Costa A.: N-(4- hydroxyphenil)retinamide (4-HPR) lowers plasma retinol levels in rats. Med.Sci.Res. 1987, 15: 843-844 (I.F. 0.295).
52. Veronesi U., Costa A., Saccozzi R.: Chirurgische Technik der Quadrantektomie dei Mamma und Dissektion der Axilla. In: Mammachirurgie. Diagnostik und Behandlung von Erkrankungen der Mamma. O. Stroembeck, F.E. Rosato (Eds). Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart 1987, Kap. 13: 139-143.
51. Veronesi U., Costa A.: Conceptos actuales y alternativas terapé uticas en el cancer de mama. In: Cancer de Mama. E.A. Gardiol, J.A.A. Velloso (Eds). Libreria “El Ateneo” Editorial, Buenos Aires 1987: 300-304.
50. Gasparini M., Andreoli C., Rodari A., Costa A., Buraggi G.L.: Lack of efficacy of lymphoscintigraphy in detecting axillary lymph-
node metastases from breast cancer. Eur.J.Cancer Clin.Oncol. 1987, 23: 475-480.
49. Costa A., McGrath S.:La formacion del futuro oncologo. Editorial: Neoplasia 1987, 4: 143-144.
48. Costa A., Pizzichetta M., Andreoli C., et al.: HPR y cancer de mama. Obstetricia y Ginecologia Latino-Americana 1987, 45: 73- 78.
47. Costa A., Pizzichetta M., Buranelli F., Andreoli C.: The surgeon’s attitude to neuroblastoma. J.Exp.Clin.Cancer Res. 1987, 6: 13-16 (I.F. 0.153).
46. Costa A., Pace G.M. (Eds): I Tumori: Cause, Cure, Prevenzione. Editori Riuniti, Roma 1987.
45. Veronesi U., Costa A.: Il trattamento del carcinoma mammario primario. Federazione Medica 1986, 7: 899-914.
44. Cascinelli N., Doci R., Belli F., Nava M., Marolda R., Costa A., et al.: Evalutation of toxic effects following administration of monoclonal antibody MBr1 in patients with breast cancer. Tumori 1986, 72: 267-271 (I.F. 0.446).
43. Veronesi U., Luini A., Costa A.: The Milan controlled trial on limited surgery and radiotherapy for early breast cancer. In: Advances in Breast and Endocrine Surgery. J.S. Najarian, J.P. Delaney (Eds). Year Book Med.Publ.Inc., Chicago 1986.
42. Luini A., Sacchini V., Costa A., Andreoli C., Campa T., Dei Bei E., Magni A., Rasponi A.: Chirurgia conservativa del carcinoma mammario di piccole dimensioni. In: Chirurgia Generale. Ed.Scientifiche Romane 1986: 5-10.
41. Veronesi U., Costa A., Saccozzi R.: Surgical Technique of breast quadrantectomy and axillary dissection. In: Surgery of Breast. Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Diseases. J.O. Stroembeck, F.E. Rosato (Eds). Thieme, New York 1986.
40. Costa A., Gualdana I.: Ruolo dell’Istituto Nazionale Tumori di Milano nell’ambito della politica sanitaria nazionale con particolare riguardo all’informazione biomedica. Ann.Ist.Super.Sanità 1986, 22: 1267-1268.
39. Costa A., Goncalves M.A.G., Frasson A., et al.: Fenretinide: prevenç ao em pacientes tratadas de carcinoma de mama. Rev.Bras.Cancerol. 1986, 32: 101-105.
38. Costa A., Pizzichetta M., Andreoli C., Buranelli F., Campa T., Magni A.: HPR: un retinoide sintetico di interesse oncologico. Argomenti di Oncologia 1986, 7: 91-98.
37. Andreoli C., Pastorino U., Costa A.: Carcinoma mammario a istotipo misto. Rilevanza clinica e valore prognostico. Medicina, Riv. EMI 1985, 5: 423-424.
36. Veronesi U., Costa A.: Neoplasie del polmone, mammella, bocca e colon. In: Per Vivere Sani. Piccin Editore, Padova 1985: 774- 780.
35. Veronesi U., Costa A.: The surgical oncologist and clinical research. In: Clinical Trials in Cancer Medicine. U.Veronesi, G. Bonadonna (Eds). Academic Press 1985, 6: 25-34.
34. Costa A.: Tumori. Estratto Appendice del Grande Dizionario Enciclopedico. Unione Tipografico-Editrice Torinese 1985.
33. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche: Progetto Finalizzato “Controllo della Crescita Neoplastica” 1979-1983. Cinque anni di ricerca sul cancro in Italia. Roma, novembre 1984.
32. Musumeci R., Tesoro Tess D., Costa A., Veronesi U.: Idirect lymphography of the breast with Iotasul: a vanishing hope? Lymphology 1984, 17: 118-123 (I.F. 0.307)
31. Veronesi U., Costa A.: Principi generali di chirurgia. In: Trattato di Clinica Oncologica. Piccin Editore, Padova 1984.
30. Costa A., Andreoli C.: Incidenza del carcinoma mammario dopo resezione per papillomatosi. Medicina. Riv. EMI 1984.
29. Costa A.: Krebsnachsorge in Italien. Auch eine Frage der Ausbildung. Krebsnachsorge 26-27 Oktober 1984: 97-99.
28. Costa A., Pastorino U., Andreoli C., Barbieri A., Marubini E., Veronesi U.: Vitamin A and retinoid: a hypothesis of chemoprevention. Int.Adv.Surg.Oncol. 1984, 7: 271-295.
27. Nessi R., Balzarini L., Gilardoni L., Andreoli A., Costa A., Coopmans de Yoldi G.F.: La xeroradiografia dei linfonodi ascellari nelle pazienti con tumore della mammella. La Radiologia Medica 1983, 69: 310-315.
26. Coopmas de Yoldi G.F., Andreoli C., Costa A., Nessi R., Gilardoni L., Rasponi A.: Lack of efficacy of xeroradiotherapy to preoperatively detect axillary lymph-node metastases in brease cancer. Breast Cancer Res.Treat. 1983, 3: 373-376 (I.F. 3.121).
25. Veronesi U., Costa A.: Prospettive europee per la chirurgia oncologica. In: Società Italiana di Chirurgia Oncologica. La Garondola Editrice, Padova 1983: 334-338.
24. Lombardo A., Costa A., Giuliani A., Goi G.C., Tettamanti G.: Lysosomal enzymes in lymphocytes and plasa of women with non- malignant, pre-malignant and malignant pathology of the breast. J.Res.Lab.Med. 1983, 3: 237-241.
23. Veronesi U., Costa A.: La chirurgia oncologica degli anni ottanta. AIOM: IX Corso di Aggiornamento 1983, 1: 213-218.
22. Veronesi U., Costa A: Linee di sviluppo della ricerca medica. Medicina, Riv: EMI 1983, 3: 37-40.
21. Costa A., Andreoli C., Conti R., Cusumano F., Andreola S.: Carcinoid tumor of the breast. J.Exp.Clin.Cancer Res. 1983, 2: 195-198 (I.F. 0.153).
20. Costa A.: La chemioterapia antitumorale. Aggiornamenti di Oncologia. RBS-Pharma, Riv. Doctor, 1984.
19. Costa A.: Conservative surgical treatment for primary breast cancer. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 1983, 37: 370-372 (I.F. 0.665).
18. Costa A.: Mastite. Estratto dal volume IX, Enciclopedia Medica Italiana. USES, Firenze 1982.
17. Veronesi U., Del Vecchio M., Costa A., Luini A., Merson M., Rasponi A.: Chirurgia conservativa del carcinoma mammario di piccole dimensioni. Minerva Ginecologica 1982, 34: 913-916.
16. Rasponi A., Costa A., Clemente C., Merson M., Marchini S., Andreoli C.: Lymphonodal metastases from unknown primary tumors. Neoplasma 1982, 29: 5.
15. Veronesi U., Costa A.: The role of surgery in the management of primary breast cancer. Clinics Oncol.1982,1.
14. Veronesi U., Costa A.: Conclusion personelles. In: Mastopathies benignes: etats precancereux? J. Poilhes (ed.). Masson, Paris 1982.
13. Veronesi U., Costa A.: Controllo della crescita neoplastica. Annuario EST. Estratti 1980-82.
12. Veronesi U., Costa A.: Mammella. Estratto dal volume IX, Enciclopedia Medica Italiana. USES, Firenze 1982.
11. Costa A., Pastorino U., Andreoli C.: Vitamina A e retinoidi: un’ipotesi di chemioprevenzione dei tumori. Argomenti di Oncologia 1982, 3: 19-31.
10. Costa A., Marchini S., Rasponi A:, Salvadori B.. Carcinoma mammario e familiarità . Argomenti di Oncologia 1981, 2: 21-28.
9. Rasponi A., Costa A., Bufalino R., et al.: Breast cancer: primary tumor characteristics related to lymph-node involvement. Tumori 1981, 67: 19-26 (I.F. 0.446).
8. Orefice S., Gennari L., Mor C., Costa A.: The value of CEA test in the diagnosis of metastases of adenocarcinoma od the gastroenteric tract. Tumori 1981, 67: 109-112 (I.F. 0.446).
7. Doci R., Costa A., Marchini S., Pilotti S., Cascinelli N.: Risultati del trattamento chirurgico nei carcinomi della tiroide. Atti del II Congresso Nazionale della Societa’ Italiana di Chirurgia Oncologica. Milano, novembre 1978.
6. Doci R., Pilotti S., Costa A., et al.: Thyroid cancer in childhood. Tumori 1978, 64: 649-657 (I.F. 0.446).
5. Veronesi U., Costa A., Grandi C.: Il trattamento chirurgico dei tumori della mammella. Bonp.Ohkon. 1978, XXIII: 20-25.
4. Veronesi U., Costa A.: Problems with the detection of breast cancer. Tumori 1978, 64: 233-240 (I.F. 0.446).
3. Veronesi U., Costa A., Grandi C.: Displasie, stati precancerosi e microcarcinomi della mammella. In: I Tumori della Mammella. CEA, Milano 1977.
2. Veronesi U., Costa A., Grandi C.: Surgical treatment of primary breast cancer. Schweiz.Med.Wschr. 1977, 107: 28 (I.F. 0.317).
1. Pizzocaro G., Lattuada A., Zanoni F., Costa A., Monfardini S.: Management of germ cell testicular tumors. Tumor of Genito- Urinary Apparatus, Centro Majorana, Erice, 1977.